It took two nurses that took a few minutes extra with Kevin to notice that he started to track. (follow motion) A big surprise to everyone. And that began his new life. That took the word "Vegetable" off the Doctors lips and instead put in "I think he's in there".
Little at a time we can see new things and new possibilities. Through his surgeries... through infections... the medication adjustments, as well as some neglect and accidents, Kevin has been through it all and has made it through it all. He is getting better.
Kevin was placed in an Acute wing in St. Joseph's hospital ONLY to have his baclefen pump put in to relieve him of the pain of severe muscle spasms in every part of his body. As it was adjusted, little by little, the heavy medication was lessoned little by little trying to find a place where he could live with less pain and relax his muscles. It was during that time the doctors saw possibilities as he struggled to show more strength that they didn't think he had, and find more clarity. Get clear.
Kevin is nodding his head yes and no, and recognizes his family. We are so excited.... Kevin has a delayed reaction answering questions, but he tries to answer. He began to mouth words.. What a wonderful sight. He will now speak a few words at a time with a light whisper. Sometimes with Kevin two or three words says it all. Like last week when he whispered "I'm Trying"
And for us it's the saddest thing we'll ever see BUT on the other hand it's the most beautiful sight in the world. Kevin is such a good kid and he is so loved by so many people.
He has been in Physical therapy. Coming along slowly but he's coming. There is not much muscle control. He cannot sit alone or stand alone at all. With help he will stand about 20 counts with bended knees. Speech therapy, he counts to 18 on his own and whispers words. He is trying to find his voice, trying to identify things and is doing pretty well. Occupational therapy, he is trying to sit up in his wheelchair and manuver his hands to hold a tooth brush, and hold a spoon. He swallowed ice chips last week and then recently apple sauce and pudding. Then the other day he had two bites of chicken and a bite of moms hamburger. He wants pizza but it's a little to early... He nods his head yes to the question "do you want a milk shack?"- then he gets one!
Kevins challenges both physical and mental are going to be long and rough. He's family unites with him as often as possible. There is always someone from the family with him. That is so important mentally for Kevin at this time, to curve his frustration and give him support.
To keep him hopeful is KEY. because in the end, IT IS ALL UP TO KEVIN. He has to show continued improvement to stay in Acute care. He is Not going to another nursing home.
We continue to ask for all your prayers that Kevin will find his strength and voice and have only good, productive days. He is reminded of all the prayers and thoughts daily. He whispered to a nurse that was sitting with him , "I want another chance".
Mom (Amber) is learning so much about Kevins care in this facility to continue to care for him when he comes home one day. She has constantly been by his side spending the nights there to assure more protection (things happen) and of course if he should wake up, to have family near. It is so important at this time. Th facility appreciates her and her help, Moms right on it!
Grandpa and Grandma along with Kevins 2 year old sister Annie go to see Kevin and Annie pushes him in his wheelchair and does some coaxing "come on brother" she says during physical therapy.- How sweet is that! ( there will be a picture posted soon)
Our plans for Hyperberic therapy is a must... But Kevin cannot begin yet. He cannot be moved from this facility. Just as soon as possible we will be on our way to Tucson to Dr. Hendricks, There we will need to stay for a few months for this therapy. The drive would be around three hours one way and Kevin could not handle that., Nor would the visits be in a timely manner, This is yet another challenge but we certainly believe that Kevin will benefit greatly.
That is our goal. He is young and still growing. Thanks to all of you and family and friends who love him dearly, He's on his way back.